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Creation Concert

Creation Concert

I love to think and dream about creation. ‘And Elohim said, “Let light come to be,” and light came to be.’ Genesis 1:3 (TS2009) His voice spoke creation into existence. What is a voice? It is frequency and vibration. I imagine creation as a grand concert with a master musician, Yeshua, the Word. ‘He was in the beginning with Elohim. All came to be through Him, and without Him not even one came to be that came to be.’ John 1:2-3 What would that concert have sounded like? Can you imagine the high clear pitch of the stars and the resonant tones of water and earth? The warm pulse of life springing up? Unique and individual notes all joining together in perfect harmony. I long to hear, understand and join in the concert of creation which continues to this day.

  • Print Options

    Mounted Canvas: with 3" wraparound border, sprayed and mounted on a sturdy kiln dried wood stretcher frame. The mounted canvases are sprayed to avoid cracking at edges and extend the already very long lifetime (about 150 years) before fading. It also provides abrasion resistance, all without adding glossiness to the print. A backing panel and hanger are included so it is ready to hang.

    Unmounted canvas: This option is perfect for those who want to mat and frame the image. It comes with a 2" border, also making it a good option for those who want to stretch and mount their own canvas.

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