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On this first night of Hanukkah I praise God for the feast of Passover. (Lev 23:5, Exodus 23:15, Luke 22:15, John 13) Through this first of the appointed times He has shown us our need for a savior, the passover lamb. I praise you God for Salvation!

What I saw as I painted:

As I look at the light seeping from behind the door, I long to run through. Yet there is an element of fear in my being as well – this door is not lightly opened. It is a choice. It is a vow. It is submission: dying to self and coming to view my own identity through His covering. It is accepting His sacrifice and His covering daily. Though my flesh wages war, wanting to cling to my identity and independence, how can I not say YES and run with joy through the door and into the kingdom He asks me to join, being washed by the blood poured out for me? Let us rejoice together as we enter in! I push the door open, step through and take a deep breath of life.


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