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Day of the Sheaf Offering

On this third night of Hanukkah I give thanks to God for the Day of the Sheaf Offering. It is thought that this may have been the day the nation of Israel walked through the red sea on dry land. It is also the day that our Messiah, Yeshua conquered death, rising from the tomb. Abba has provided us with salvation, asked us to walk out of Egypt, and now He walks with us through the valley of death, walls of water on each side, and brings us out into life. 'O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?' 1 Corinthians 15:55 I praise Abba for baptism/mikvah. For paving the way for us to walk from death into life.

What I saw as I painted:

Though You have been faithful, I find myself surrounded, walled in by fear and darkness. If I focus my eyes only on the bottom half of this painting I feel overwhelmed. You tell me to look up. You, Yeshua, the author and perfecter of our faith, have gone before. You have conquered the law of sin and death. I look forward, fixing my eyes on You, the firstfruit of many brothers. You have paved the way, dividing the walls of death before me.


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