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What is the essence of Sabbath? It is a constant reminder that in six days God created the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed. It is a testimony to His creation. As we honor the Sabbath let us sit back and gaze with wonder and awe at God’s handiwork throughout nature and within our own lives. Oh the wonders He has done in our midst! How beautiful to intentionally take one day out of seven to stand back and proclaim, 'My God, my God, how wondrous You are. How great is Your name in all the earth! How magnificent are Your works! Truly we are without excuse for You have spoken of Yourself throughout all creation!' Remember this day to rest, to pause from our work, acknowledge our Creator, and gather to praise Him. Shabbat Shalom!


Take a few minutes to pray about whether Sabbath worship has been or how it can be a regular piece of your life and walk with God.

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