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These geode resin sculptures have been so much fun to work on. The first time I made one of these was for a friend who has always related strongly to the verse from 1 Peter 2:5 ghat says, you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house.  A holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Messiah Yeshua.” Whats realy struck me with geodes is how normal they look from the outside. Like any old rock, kind of ugly, but very normal. It’s what’s happening on the inside that truly matters. It’s only when they are broken that the true beauty is revealed. The beauty that has been formed through pressure, through hardship, through intensity. The rocks are cracked open and this amazing sparkle and colros are revealed. Each one is different, unique. WE also are like living stones. The pressure in our lives has formed something that maybe we don’t even see. Sacrifice is forming and building something I n us. There is hidden beauty being formed. You are a living stone.

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