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Abba gave me a clear image/rebuke during my prayer time. It was the pictures of Yeshua holding out a sword to me, and as I looked at it I did not want to take it. My spirit recoiled from it. I told him, ‘Lord, I want peace, not a sword!’ And He rebuked me saying, ‘who’s peace do you want? My peace is not for this world at this time. I have come not to bring peace but a sword (Matt 10:34). My peace is not meant to end battles. It is meant for my people who stand tall in the midst of the battle, trusting in Me. If you want peace lay down your own weapons of pride, a rebellious spirit, selfish ambition and a covetous heart. But do not sacrifice my truth for what you think is peace. How dare you compromise My ways and My truth for the sake of peace? Lay down your own weapons but take hold of the sword I give you. The Sword of the Spirit, which is My Word (Ephesians 6:17). This sword does divide (Hebrews 4:12). Will you stay hidden, protecting yourself with the feable shelter of peace or will you take up My sword and join Me in this battle? If serving the Lord seems evil to you then choose this day whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15). But I warn you, if what you want is peace at any cost, you are not serving me


How does your spirit respond to this?

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