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I didn’t love turtles until I got to swim with them. All of a sudden there was a turtle ahead of me and talk about a mind shift. What I had viewed as an awkward clunky animal transformed into one of the most beautiful, graceful creatures I had ever been near. The change wasn’t the animal, it was the environment. This painting is not actually about sea turtles. It is about how we in the kingdom of god, can be in environments, like the sea turtle on land, that feel awkward, a place of effort and striving. But there is an environment, if we search for it, where all of a sudden we find our current, we find what God has called us for, how He has gifted us and where that fits in the kingdom. And we get to have that same moment, like the sea turtle going from shore to the water. The moment of, this is me. Going from clunky and awkward to becoming something graceful, beautiful, and majestic. We don’t get to live there always. Just like the turtle there is important work to do on land. You’ll never get to live in this place of ease always. But you are called to go there regularly. That is where you are needed by the kingdom. When I’m in that space it feels selfish because I enjoy it so much. God designed us in a beautiful way that when we’re serving Him in alignment with our giftings it can feel amazing!


I spent years in a career focused on serving God, but in a way that was opposed to how I am designed. When I finally stopped to pray over how He made me, He led me to massage therapy and art. And I have been in love every since. It clicked.


Have you found your current? Have you found those places where, God and passion meet? Do you recognize the importance of that space? If you haven’t found these places in your own life I encourage you to pray, to ask God to reveal how He made you and where that fits. It is a journey well worth taking. I pray you find how He designed you. I pray you find your current and rejoice in going their regularly.

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